IQVIA™ Real-World Insights Bibliography
Long-term impact of grass-pollen (GP) sublingual immunotherapy tablet (SLIT) on allergic rhinitis (AR) and on allergic asthma (AA) onset and progression. |
Author(s): Devillier P1, Molimard M2, Demoly P3, Ansolabehere X4, Bardoulat I4, Coulombel N4, Maurel F4, Le Jeunne P4 |
Affiliations(s): 1 UPRES EA 220, Department of Airway Diseases, Hospital Foch, University Versailles Saint Quentin, Suresnes, France 2 Pharmacology Department, CHU of Bordeaux-University, INSERM CR1219 unit, Bordeaux, France 3 Departement of Pneumology and Addictology, Arnaud de Villeneuve Hospital- CHRU of Montpellier, Montpellier, France 4 QuintilesIMS, Real-World Insights (RWI) Department, La-Défense, France. |
Publication(s): ISPOR 20th Annual European Congress, 2017, 4-8 November, Glasgow, Scotland
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: France, |
C: Y: |
Otolaryngology, Respiratory disease, 2017 |
L: A: |
English Clinical setting: Primary care, clinical setting: Secondary care, Epidemiological study, Retrospective cohort analysis, Retrospective database analysis, |
Economic burden of otitis media among children in the United States: results from a national database |
Author(s): Kamble S, Shah AJ, Gemmen E |
Affiliations(s): |
Publication(s): Poster presentation at the ISPOR 18th Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 21, 2013. *Health Services Cost Studies Section Finalist*
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: |
C: Y: |
Otolaryngology, 2013 |
L: A: |
English RWLPR (Real-World Late Phase Research-quintiles, |
Outcomes of fat injection laryngoplasty in unilateral vocal cord paralysis |
Author(s): Fang TJ, Li HY, Gliklich RE, Chen YH, Wang PC, Chuang HF |
Affiliations(s): |
Publication(s): Arch Otolaryngology Head Neck Surgery 2010; 136(5)
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: |
C: Y: |
Otolaryngology, Surgery, 2010 |
L: A: |
English RWLPR (Real-World Late Phase Research-quintiles, |
Epidemiology of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaws: the utility of a national registry |
Author(s): Gliklich R, Wilson J |
Affiliations(s): |
Publication(s): J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009; 67(5):71-74
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: |
C: Y: |
Otolaryngology, 2009 |
L: A: |
English RWLPR (Real-World Late Phase Research-quintiles, |