IQVIA™ Real-World Insights Bibliography
A cross-sectional survey to evaluate prescribers' knowledge and understanding of safety messages following Dengvaxia® product information update
Author(s): Mariana F Almas 1, Massoud Toussi 2, Elisa Valero 3, Annick Moureau 4, Lydie Marcelon |
Affiliations(s): 1IQVIA Real World Solutions, Porto Salvo, Portugal.
2IQVIA Real World &Analytics Solutions, La Défense, France.
3Global Pharmacovigilance, Sanofi Pasteur, Lyon, France.
4Global Biostatistical Sciences, Sanofi Pasteur, Marcy l'Etoile, France.
5Epidemiology and Benefit Risk, Global Pharmacovigilance, Sanofi Pasteur, Lyon, France. |
Publication(s): Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf
. 2022 Jul;31(7):758-768. doi: 10.1002/pds.5447. Epub 2022 May 13
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Brazil, Thailand, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, Risk Management & REMS, 2022 |
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English Clinical setting: Primary care, Epidemiological study, Survey research, |
Physician awareness and understanding of primary immunodeficiency disorders: a web-based study in Japan |
Author(s): Kohsuke Imai 1, Akinori Oh 2, Ayumi Morishita 3, Yoichi Inoue 2* (rwesheorj 3) |
Affiliations(s): 1) Department of Pediatrics, National Defense Medical College, Tokorozawa, Japan
2) Japan Medical Office, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Tokyo, Japan
3) IQVIA Solutions Japan K.K, Tokyo, Japan |
Publication(s): Immunological Medicine
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Japan, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, 2022 |
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English Survey research, |
Concerns, quality of life, access to care and productivity of the general population during the first 8 weeks of the coronavirus lockdown in Belgium and the Netherlands |
Author(s): Hanne van Ballegooijen 1, Lucas Goossens 2, Ralph H Bruin 3, Renée Michels 3, Marieke Krol 3
Affiliations(s): 1IQVIA, Herikerbergweg 314, 1101 CT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
3IQVIA, Herikerbergweg 314, 1101 CT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. |
Publication(s): 1 IQVIA, Herikerbergweg 314, 1101 CT Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2 Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management, Rotterdam, The Netherlands BMC Health Services Research (2021) 21:227 PMID: 33712010 PMCID: PMC7953179 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-06240-7
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Netherlands , |
Click here for the abstract |
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Health economics, Health status & patient reported outcomes, Immunology and Vaccination, 2021 |
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English Observational study, Patient questionnaire, Population Based Study, Public Health, Quality of life, Survey research, |
Cost-effectiveness of the cell-based quadrivalent versus the standard egg-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine in Germany |
Author(s): Rui Cai 1, Laetitia Gerlier 2, Martin Eichner 3 4, Markus Schwehm 5, Sankarasubramanian Rajaram 6, Joaquin Mould-Quevedo 7, Mark Lamotte 2
Affiliations(s): 1IQVIA Real World Solutions, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2IQVIA (Global HEOR), Zaventem, Belgium.
3Epimos GmbH, Dusslingen, Germany.
4Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Applied Biometry, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.
5ExploSYS GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Germany.
6Seqirus Vaccines Ltd, Maidenhead, UK.
7Seqirus Vaccines, Summit, NJ, USA |
Publication(s): Journal of Medical Economics 2021.
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Germany, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, 2021 |
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English Clinical setting: Primary care, Cost effectiveness, |
Impact of extending direct antiviral agents (DAA) availability in France: an observational cohort study (2015-2019) of data from French administrative healthcare databases (SNDS) |
Author(s): Stanislas Pol 1, Fayssoil Fouad 2, Magali Lemaitre 2, Ingrid Rodriguez 3, Olivier Lada 3, Pascaline Rabiega 2, Elias Benabadji 3, Françoise Roudot-Thoraval 4 |
Affiliations(s): 1Université de Paris, département d'hépatologie et d'addictologie, 75014 Cochin (AP-HP), Paris, France.
2IQVIA, 92400 Courbevoie, France.
3Gilead Sciences, 92100 Boulogne Billancourt, France.
4Service d'hépatologie, Henri-Mondor (AP-HP), 94010, Créteil, France. |
Publication(s): Lancet Reg Health Eur
. 2021 Dec 11;13:100281. doi: 10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100281. eCollection 2022 Feb.
Document Type(s): Abstract, |
Countries: France, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, Infectious disease, 2021 |
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English Observational study, Population Based Study, Predictive analytics, |
Epidemiology, Mortality and Healthcare Resource Utilization Associated With Systemic Sclerosis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease in France |
Author(s): Vincent Cottin 1, Sophie Larrieu 2, Loic Boussel 3 4, Salim Si-Mohamed 3 4, Fabienne Bazin 2, Sébastien Marque 2, Jacques Massol 5, Françoise Thivolet-Bejui 6, Lara Chalabreysse 6, Delphine Maucort-Boulch 7 8 9 10, Stéphane Jouneau 11, Eric Hachulla 12, Julien Chollet 13, Mouhamad Nasser 1 |
Affiliations(s): 1 Hôpital Louis Pradel, Centre Coordonnateur National de Référence des Maladies Pulmonaires Rares, Hospices Civils de Lyon, UMR754 INRAE and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Member of ERN-LUNG, RespiFil, OrphaLung, Lyon, France.
2 IQVIA - RWS La Défense, Courbevoie, France.
3 Département de Radiologie, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.
4 Université Lyon, INSA-Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM-Saint Etienne, CNRS Inserm, CREATIS UMR 5220, Lyon, France.
5 AIXIAL - Paris, Paris, France.
6 Département d'anatomo-pathologie, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France.
7 Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pôle Santé Publique, Service de Biostatistique et Bioinformatique, Lyon, France.
8 Université de Lyon, Lyon, France.
9 Université Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France.
10 CNRS, UMR 5558, Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive, Équipe Biostatistique-Santé, Villeurbanne, France.
11 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rennes, Centre de Compétences pour les Maladies Pulmonaires Rares, Univ Rennes, Inserm, EHESP, IRSET (Institut de recherche en santé, environnement et travail), RespiFil, OrphaLung, Rennes, France.
12 Hôpital Claude Huriez, Centre National de Référence des maladies auto-immunes systémiques rares (CeRAINO), CHU de Lille, Lille, France.
13 Boehringer Ingelheim France SAS, Paris, France. |
Publication(s): Front Med (Lausanne)
. 2021 Aug 30;8:699532. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.699532.
Document Type(s): Abstract, |
Countries: France, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, Respiratory disease, 2021 |
L: A: |
English Observational study, Population Based Study, |
Impact des nouveaux traitements (AAD) de l’hépatite C dans la population générale et les populations à risque : étude réalisée en France à partir des données du SNDS sur la période 2015-2019 |
Author(s): PascalineRabiéga1, StanislasPol2, FayssoilFouad1, IngridRodriguez3, OlivierLada3, MagaliLemaitre1, EliasBenabadji3, FrançoiseRoudot-Thoraval4 |
Affiliations(s): 1 IQVIA, Courbevoie, France
2 Cochin (AP-HP), Paris, France
3 Gilead Sciences, Boulogne Billancourt, France
4 Henri-Mondor (AP-HP), Créteil, France |
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: France, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, Infectious disease, 2021 |
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French Methodology, Population Based Study, |
The background occurrence of selected clinical conditions prior to the start of an extensive national vaccination program in Japan |
Author(s): Tomotaka Sobue 1 2, Haruhisa Fukuda 3, Tetsuya Matsumoto 4, Bennett Lee 5, Shuhei Ito 5*, Satoshi Iwata 6 (rwesheorj A) |
Affiliations(s): 1) Division of Environmental Medicine and Population Science, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
2) Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
3) Department of Health Care Administration and Management, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan
4) Department of Infectious Diseases, International University of Health and Welfare, Narita, Japan
5) Vaccine Medical Affairs, Pfizer Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan
6) Department of Infectious Diseases, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan |
Publication(s): PLOS One
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: Japan, |
Click here for the abstract |
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COVID-19, Immunology and Vaccination, 2021 |
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English Database Study, Literature Review, |
Cost-Effectiveness of the CELL-Based Quadrivalent Versus the Standard Egg-Based Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine in Germany. Results of a Dynamic Transmission Modelling Approach |
Author(s): Cai R, Gerlier L, Eichner M, Schwehm M, Majaram S, Mould-Quevedo J, Lamotte M.
Affiliations(s): IQVIA HEOR Zaventem
Publication(s): ISPOR Europe 2020 Virtual conference Milano Nov 16-19 Abstract ID# 105463
Document Type(s): Poster, |
Countries: Germany, |
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Immunology and Vaccination, 2020 |
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English Clinical setting: Primary care, Cost effectiveness, |
Prévalence et mortalité de la pneumopathie interstitielle diffuse associée à la sclérodermie systémique (PID-ScS) en France : données du Système National des Données de Santé (SNDS) |
Author(s): M.Nasser, P.Rabiega, L.Boussel, S.Si-Mohamed, V.Barbet, S.Marque, J.Massol, F.Thivolet-Bejui, L.Chalabreysse, D.Maucort-Boulch, S.Jouneau, E.Hachulla, J.Chollet, V.Cottin |
Affiliations(s): 1 Pneumologie, Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL, Lyon
2 RWS, IQVIA, Courbevoie
3 Imagerie médicale, Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL, Lyon
4 Consultant, Aixial, Boulogne-Billancourt
5 Anatomie et cytologie pathologiques, Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL, Lyon
6 Biostatistiques, Hospices Civils de Lyon - HCL, Lyon
7 Pneumologie, CHU de Rennes, Rennes
8 Médecine interne, Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille, Lille
9 Heor department, Boehringer Ingelheim France, Paris
10 Pneumologie, Hopital Louis Pradel, Bron |
Document Type(s): Article, |
Countries: France, |
Click here for the abstract |
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Immunology and Vaccination, Respiratory disease, 2020 |
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French Methodology, Observational study, Population Based Study, |
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